Genesis Motion Design

Creating a strong online social media presence for a digital agency

Content Management | Strategy | Visual Design | Writing | Content Design 

Adobe Photoshop | Adobe After Effects | Google Sheets | Google Slides | Notion


Genesis Motion Design came to me to help them grow their online social media presence and connect better with their design community.


Throughout the 6 months on the job, I was directly responsible for setting up the framework for content production for Genesis Motion Design and successfully growing their engagement and follower count. My roles included conducting user research, crafting monthly social media strategies, ideation, copywriting and visual design of social media content.

Check out their Instagram here: Genesis Motion Design Instagram


Part-Time Content Producer

Genesis Motion Design already had visual branding guidelines in place, but they needed someone to manage and produce content for their social media platforms. In the first 3 months, I started by using the Lean Start Up methodology. I worked on identifying who their target audiences on Instagram were, creating content based on their user personas, and evaluating how well the content did.

Content Pillars & Strategy

After 3 months of testing different types of content for Instagram feed posts and stories, I was able to identify key content pillars that align with Genesis’ core values. And from there, I expanded on an array of topics we could pursue within those pillars. Thereby, creating a guide for content creation and strategy.


Using Google Sheets to schedule, organise and write content for Instagram.

Using Notion, I created an onboarding system to automate the content creation process for co-workers.

Tracking and Measuring Results

Using Google Sheets to track and audit social media engagement analytics every month. This is essential in understand what is working and what isn’t working so that I could plan for the following month’s content.

Content Production

I produced a wide array of content for Genesis, such as hosting giveaways, IGTV interviews with industry guests, educational carousel content and IG story games. Here are some highlights along with feedback we’ve received from the community:



increase in engagement


increase in audience reach


impressions per month


interactions per month


Top Performing Posts

19,348 Impressions

1019 Likes, 24 Comments, 132 Shares, 1380 Saves

9, 521 Impressions

719 Likes, 10 Comments, 104 Shares, 709 Saves

7,777 Impressions

509 Likes, 16 Comments, 37 Shares, 293 Saves


Chua Chen Wei
Producer at Genesis Motion Design

“I worked with Kristine on content strategy and production for our company's social media pages. Kristine is tenacious, driven and an absolute creative powerhouse. Always eager to learn and explore, her self-directed nature makes her not just a joy to work with, but someone whom you an always count on to bring well-thought out and insightful points to a discussion. Needless to say, she will be a great addition to any team!”


Key Takeaways & Reflections

When I was offered the role with Genesis, it felt like I had come full-circle. I had worked with them as an intern and Motion Designer previously, and this time, I was given the opportunity to grow in various skill sets that were not only new to me, but also extremely useful and relevant. 

Prior to my work at Genesis, I was not familiar with digital marketing or social media management. The learning curve was steep, but it was a very worthwhile experience as I managed to pick up many skillsets in a short span of time. I grew more confident in conducting research, crafting strategies, writing, presenting and working within and across teams.


The Body Shop (Case Study)


Bridges (Case Study)